
What is specialty/specialty coffee

During the last 10 years, the terms ‘speciality or specialty coffee’ gained a lot of notoriety. Coffee lovers became more demanding and are not able to accept just random or regular coffee, although, there is not such a thing. 

Let’s start with the fact that even the coffee you can find in supermarkets has its process and characteristics, however, speciality/specialty coffee has a particular magic. If you would like to know what it is, please keep reading. 

Roasted Coffee Beans

Imagine the most special conditions for growing: Ideal weather, high care, and impeccable selection of good beans from bad ones. Now, imagine farms that are dedicated exclusively to growing their coffee following these factors so we can categorize them as coffee speciality farmers. Of course, if we go more technical, the term will only apply to coffee beans that score 80 points or above on a 100 point scale by a certified coffee taster. 

Some countries carry the big flag of speciality/specialty coffee and are widely known for the quality, flavor, and smoothness. It is important to clarify that each growing condition will provide you with a different experience, and here is where its beauty relies. For example,  Colombia is famous for producing tasting notes of chocolate, nuts, herbs, fruit, and a citrusy acidity. Meanwhile, Brazil has a low acidity and sweeter coffee. 

Cofee Beans picking

So whether you like sweet, sour or bitter you will always be able to find an option for you. The coffee world is not basic anymore (if it ever was) and it is currently offering us plenty of options - believe me, even the most conservative people can find the speciality/specialty coffee world captivating. 

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